EC Detective Privado

EC Detective Privado

Call Now, Guidance
Free and Confidential!


International mobile forensics certified examiner

Hidden cameras and microphones

The highest technology at the service of private investigation.



We have 20 years in the area of public security, graduated from the criminal investigation school of the Puerto Rico Police, and was part of the C.I.C criminal investigation body, instructor of the Police academy in legal matters.

In the Department of Justice he served as Agent of the Special Investigations Bureau N.I.E. in the Government Corruption Office. He credits this experience by having served as Commissioner of the Municipal Police and Superintendent of Penal Institutions.

In the area of teaching he stands out as a university professor at several universities in the country in the criminal justice, criminology and criminal investigation program.

He currently works as a private detective conducting criminal and civil investigations. Knowledgeable in the area of forensic investigation and computer security such as cybercrimes. He also holds a Master's degree in Criminal Justice.


Our Services

We assure you the strictest discretion and put our investigative experience at your service.

Private Investigation


Espionage Articles

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All our services are strictly confidential.

No one will know about it, just you and whoever you want.


Call Now, Guidance and Consultation
Free and Confidential.